Leveraging Biomark Litz Cord Antenna Systems to Evaluate Fish Passage and Movement

by elsa.macdonald@merck.com | October 5, 2021 | Biological Services

Photos were taken by Mike Hall, Field Biologist.

Biomark’s Biological Services team is leveraging Biomark Litz Cord Antenna Systems to evaluate fish passage and movement in side channels of the Lemhi River.

Field Biologist Mike Hall explained, “We are using these antennas in a recently completed restoration area as well as an area where restoration efforts are slated to begin in the next year or two.”

This will allow the team a great opportunity to gather pre and post restoration data.

The Litz cord antenna systems are set up in “pass-through” orientation allowing the biologists to effectively detect fishes in all portions of the water column at both high and low flows.

We are also utilizing submersible antennas in the main channel of the river for monitoring purposes. 

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